~Storyboarding/Synoptic Project (Character Sheet)~
Here is my synoptic project character sheet for an unused character, 'The Cleaner'. The cleaner is an old and forever tired fellow who...
My blog is a collection of pretty much everything I will have learnt and done throughout my time on the course, be sure to take a look through what I've done so far.
Here is my synoptic project character sheet for an unused character, 'The Cleaner'. The cleaner is an old and forever tired fellow who...
Here is my reverse playboard for a scene in Indiana Jones, where he is being chased by a bolder.
Research Report - Emerging Technologies and Trends: VR Technology – Past Present and Future Virtual reality has given us the ability to...
X - Statements - Are simple 1 liners used to succinctly summarise a game to industry, consumers and to internal colleagues to ensure...
For our Synoptic Project the very first thing we were assigned to do was create a game pitch based off of our game brief, in which we...
Using this Risk Assessment format, I will go over some circumstances this project may have faced during its progression, and how...
Once production had finished what we had was essentially done minus debugging and testing, but I also mildly assisted with level building...
Here is the process we used for things such as level design and the like within our synoptic project. It is called Agile and Scrum. Agile...
Here is my final storyboard submission for the script to storyboard brief, I usedthe assigned script 'Alone'.
At this point in the project, concept art was finalised and the characters and scripts were still being worked on. From this point onward...
Whilst Izzy went on to doing scripts and concept art for the game and Ronan went to begin working on the player character, myself and...
Here is my story analysis which I was tasked to do as apart of the storyboarding module. Within I describe the plot and put in under the...
Hello, thanks you for taking to the time to look at my work, here is a collection of the models I've worked on within our synoptic...
For my final ISIW task, I'm going to analyse a concept artist and their work, whilst also trying my best to imitate their style of work...
Due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, a lot of the progress that had went underway within Unreal was no longer able to be worked on, so as...
Stray Soul in the name of our Synoptic Project and is about a ghostly canine exploring the many shops inside of a mall to collect relics...
After having been tasked to create my own VFX Pipeline Flowchart, I created one using Draw.io. The flowchart consists of all of the roles...
Games Industry Games Development Pipeline Pre-production - Defy the solid concepts of your game to give yourself something to reference...
PEGI is a self regulatory age rating system, which all content providers across the EU have to follow by in order to get their game sold...
SWOT is a form of self-analysis which in using helps you to profile your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In doing so,...