Here is the process we used for things such as level design and the like within our synoptic project. It is called Agile and Scrum.
Agile - Agile is a methodology that teams use to break an initial large project into smaller segments to work on individually. It involves a lot more communication and team work then perhaps other methodologies do. In this methodology, testing things and developing them is a concurrent process and doesn't happen at different times.
Scrum - Scrum is an implementation into the Agile methodology in which scrum meetings happen and small builds are culminated every 2 to 3 weeks, because of this is also requires a lot of teamwork, especially because the end goals of a scrum project are normally always changing as different ideas are put into place and other things are reconsidered.
Examples of this were as I said, level design, in which I cut the process into level maps and level explanations and did those over a certain period. Our group also had many scrum meetings to assess where we were in development and where we needed to be by the next meetings start date.