We were tasked within a group to have a group of letters spelling our given action to do the action were provided with. This project was my first time dwelling into this aspect of animation.
With my letter being U and our task being to peform the action 'Jump', I experimented with keyframing a squash and a strech position for the letter along with it's inbetweens. This was an important step in the process because without having done this I would have been very in the dark about how sqaushing and stretching would have worked alongside this I'd have definately made mistakes concerning how clean it looked. We decided to create ten frames to have a 10fps animation meaning each jump cycle was a clean 1 second long.
Another memeber of the Jump group, Jess Kenson had printed out a variety of colours. This one looked like curtains for some kind of stage so therefore we went with an idea consisting of the letters jumping on a trampoline inside a circus. She also created a stand and tampoline with differant squash/stretch varaitions to match the jumps.
The process of getting each frame consisted of us having numbered all of the frames so it's be easier to match them up when it came to taking pictures, I took charge of ensuring the photos were taken correctly and that the camera was positioned properly etc.
Final cut-out animation.