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~Core Principles of Game Design (Tic, Tac, Toe Upgrade & Game Genres)~

Writer's picture: ArchieArchie

Task 1 Tic, Tac, Toe Upgrade:

In a regular game of 'Tic, Tac, Toe', there are 2 players in a 3 x 3 grid in which they must get a row of three.

We were tasked to create a more interesting game by adding another player and working around that basis. We called this third symbol 'T'.

A group of three couldn't possibly make a game of Tic, Tac, Toe work on a 3 x 3 grid therefore we decided to increase the grid size to 4 x 4, finishing the upgrade on the game.

Task 2 Game Genres And Their Mechanics:

Beat 'em up - Side-scrollers involve hand to hand combat against either the game or other players - SSBU and Mortal Combat potray many beat 'em up elements, some including healthbars, speacial moves and stages. This fits into the Single Player vs Game, Player vs Player, Team Competition, Cooperative Play, Unilatertal Competition and Multilateral Competition player interaction patterns.

Platformers - Platforming games involvle running and jumping around numerous platforms - Examples of this include the basic 'complete stages' that Super Mario Bros conveys and the vastly differant run 'n gun bosss fights of Cuphead. This fits into the Single Player vs and Cooperative Play player interaction patterns.

Shooters - Shooting games posses a variety of gamemodes and follow the basic concept of using ammunition powered weapons - Call Of Duty is an example of this and possess a variety of weapons among other arsenal in order to beat opponents in numerous gamemodes. This fits into the Single Player vs Game, Player vs Player, Team Competition, Unilateral Competition and Cooperative Play player interaction patterns.

Gambling - Gambling games possess many differant casino-style games which encourage you to use money to win against odds and other players - there are an abundant number of gambling games and sites and all possess the mechanic of using money to play whilst under the influence of luck. This fits in the Single Player vs Game, Player vs Player and Multilateral Competion player interaction patterns.

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