There is a flow of progression throughout the full development of a game.
These stages consist of the following.
Requirements Analysis: Analyse the overall feasability of the task at hand and from there assess how possible designing this game will be.
Desinging: The real start of the process, you must collect ideas together and then start to finalise a game plan for your game.
Implementation: You now have a game plan and put all the modelling, programming and all other elements into action to create the game.
Testing: Gathering play testers to help see what works and what doesn't, It's ok if it means you have to go back to implementation becuase you'll have a better game in the long run.
Deployment: Get you game out onto consoles or whatever platfrom their on and then start earning purchases.
Maintencance: Perhaps there was a bug you missed, maintaining the game is key to ensure it stays stable to use.
This is a very important cycle and is essential to keep balance in the full process, following it will ensure you'll have a good game.